you have to find barry in the lake by snowpoint city save him, then go to veilstone in front of team galatic HQ. talk to the guy standing there and he"ll give you the key
it is in the team galactic headquarters in veilstone
You find it in the team galactic storage area.
Galctic Headquarters is actually the Team Galactic Veilstone Building, but you'll need a Galactic Key to enter most of the doors.
You will find the boss after you see the all the galactic people in the heardqarters the boss will be talking. after that follow you guy up and there is the boss! gl
Galactic Werehouse is in Veilstone City (west/left side) right inside coming from Solaceon Town
Search inside the smaller house of team galactic
the TM is called Earthquake and you find it in team galactic headquarters, Veilstone City.
Team Galactic as a whole last sees you in the Veilstone Headquarters but the last time any Team Galactic personnel is seen is in Stark Mountain.
It's in veilstone city.
it is in the team galactic headquarters in veilstone
go to galactic headquarters in veilstone city then you need a galactic key and the storage key to open the door of team galactic's door
You find it in the team galactic storage area.
go right and keep going up
In the galactic warehouse.
In the team galactic storage house connected to veilstone galactic headquarters.
You find it in the Galactic Headquarters after they capture Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit.