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to go inside the cave..... u have to go to the underground carvern, battle team aqua ....go to the leader(I forgot his name) he will take u to kyogre ...kyogre will be sleeping and it will wake up and teleport ....the leader will get frightened and will escape ..use escape rope u will be outside on the water.......steven will show up and go to sootoplis .......u fly to sootoplis and he will let u go in the cave of origin :)

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Q: How do you get in cave of origin sapphire?
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You find Kyogre in The Cave of Origin in Sootopolis city

How do you get into cave of origin on pokemon sapphire?

You go in there after Kyogre is awakened, but until then, you don't.

Where is the cave of Oregon l in Pokemon sapphire?

The Cave of Origin is accessible through Sootopolis City.