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Go to cpcheats. info and download his latest version of Penguin Storm and when you log in and get to your servers, go to edit (at the top of the screen) then click empty servers. Now scroll down the server list and everywhere you look, servers are only one bar! Yay! lol!

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Q: How do you get in a full server on Club Penguin?
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How do you login to a full sever on Club Penguin?

Due to a glitch, in 2008 you could get into a full server on club penguin but now club penguin has fixed that glitch. Thus, now you can't get into a full server on club penguin.

How do you get on a full server on Club Penguin?

you can't

How do you get into a server that is full on Club Penguin?

Wait until it is not full.

What server is never full on club penguin?

There is none.

On club penguin why does it say that the server is full when it has one bar?

The server crashed.

Why is the server zipline aways full?

Zipline is always full because its the most popular server on Club Penguin.

How do you get on to a full server on Club Penguin?

This is impossible unless you have a certain type of computer, and you can get into a full room.

On Club Penguin how can you get on a server when its full?

haha!u simply have to log off and then log on again to see if it is not full

How do you get a server unfull on Club Penguin?

use club penguin storm

What is the ice shelf on Club Penguin?

It's a Club penguin Server!

How many penguins make a full server on Club Penguin?

I think its about 150-200 (penguins)

What server does the orange penguin talk to you club penguin?

the penguin is on a different server every time