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How to get the ice hammer in diamond rush

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Q: How do you get ice hammer on diamond rush game?
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Was vanilla ice the first rapper to go diamond?

No; Vanilla Ice's first album sold 48 million copies as of 2010. Mc Hammer was the first to go diamond.

Does regi ice evolve on Pokemon diamond?

No, but another Regi exists in this game. Also in the game that is coming out (Pokemon Platinum) Regigas has a new form.

What is ice hammer?

The name is pretty straightforward.

When you're done with the quest the magic ice diamond what will you do next?

You can go to the room where the magic ice diamond used to be. And if you chose to destroy the diamond you can wear some clothes that protect you from ice.

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Is a hammer bro a koopa?

Yes, Hammer Bros. are Koopas. Ice Bros. and Fire Bros. are, too.

What level is fantina's Pokemon on diamond?

Driftlim: Level 34Weakness: Ice and Electric and DarkGengar: Level 34Weakness: DarkMismagurus: 36Weakness: DarkHope this really helps your Pokemon game adventures Diamond Pearl and Platium

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ice chisle hammer compass

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ice hockey

How do you capture reg ice in Pokemon diamond?

You can't unless you have a cheat. you must migrate from a Pokemon game game or trade with a friend. Those are the only ways so far. Hope you figure it out!

Does buneary know ice beam naturally in diamond?

no you have to teach it ice beam

Where is an ice rock in pokemon diamond?

The ice rock is found on route 216.