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you have to get it in the safari zone

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Q: How do you get houndoom in soul silver?
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What safari zone area is houndoom in on Pokemon soul silver?

Houndoom can be found in the Peak zone.

How do you breed houndoom in soul silver?

put it with a ditto in the daycare

What are Blaines pokemon in soul silver?

arcanine rapidash growlithe slugma houndoom macargo

What level does houndour evolve in pokemon soul silver?

Houndoor evolves at level 24 into Houndoom.

What trainers have houndour or houndoom in Pokemon soul silver before the league I need to see one with a trainer so I can get it in my dex and search for it on the gts?


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It makes Pokemon that get attracted get attracted back. E.g if female milotic used attract to my male houndoom and my houndoom is holding destiny knot then milotic would also get attracted to my houndoom! Cute ae

What's the best Pokemon to complete this team for soul silver Feraligatr Ampharos Quagsire Nidoking Dragonite Please Help?

Ur missing a fire type i would recoment houndoom some alternitives are ninetails or flareon

Where is rock tunnel in soul silver?

in soul silver

Which of these is the real game that's coming out Pure Silver or Silver Soul?

Neither. The new game is called Soul Silver, not Silver Soul.

Where can you catch fire in Pokemon soul silver?

you probably meant " fire type Pokemon" well mostly the only fire Pokemon cyndaquil and its evelutions, same with charmander and co. ponyta, rapidash and houndour are some. same with moltres and houndoom.

Where is enthrix city in soul silver?

no such thing not in soul silver

Can you get Articuno in silver?

As in soul silver? Yes you can is soul silver. At the bottom of seafoam islands.