You get it at Ambrette Town in the laboratory. And it's not an HM; it's TM94. Rock Smash went from being an HM to a TM in the 5th generation games (Black/White/Black 2/White 2).
Dive is no longer a TM or a HM in Pokemon X/Y. You'll have to have a Pokemon learn it naturally.
How to get a Nosepass in English and SpanishComo conseguir un Nosepass en Ingles y Espanol-Granite Cave (B2F) Some (Rock Smash) if you smash one of the rocks you fight nosepass (it is rare so dont expect it the first time!)-Cueva del granito' (B2F) algunos (roturta violenta de la roca)you cant
You click X,X,Y,X,Y,A, Get a life, X.
The Legendary Pokemon available in Pokemon X/Y are:Xerneas (X only)Yveltal (Y only)ArticunoZapdosMoltresMewtwoZygarde
Salamence is a Dragon and Flying-type and because of which its weaknesses are Rock, Ice and Dragon prior to Pokemon X and Y however Fairy-types were added as a weakness for Salamence as of X and Y.
Rock Smash is a TM in Pokémon X and Y and can be obtained from a lady near the Poké Center in Ambrette Town.
Rock Smash can be obtained by a brown haired girl just outside the aquarium in Ambrette Town. In Pokémon X and Y, Rock Smash counts as a TM so you can learn moves over it but you can still use it to break stones!
You can get the TM Rock Smash from a lady near the Poké Center in Ambrette Town.
You can get the TM Rock Smash from a lady near the Poké Center in Ambrette Town.
Use Rock Smash
In order to crack boulders in Pokémon X and Y, you first need to obtain the TM94 Rock Smash from a lady that is in front of the Poké Center in Ambrette Town and then teach it to any Pokémon that can learn the move. This Pokémon must be in your Party in order to work, though.
This HM is located at the Parfum Palace. More specifically at the center of the southwestern hedge maze.
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Dive is no longer a TM or a HM in Pokemon X/Y. You'll have to have a Pokemon learn it naturally.
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You can find it inside a Pokéball at the maze garden in the Parfum Palace.
A Rock/Fairy-type legendary Pokemon that you can only get through events. It was first introduced in Pokemon X and Y.