

Best Answer

Dark Magician:Pharaoh

Blue Eyes White Dragon:Ancient

Red Eyes Black Dragon:Showdown

Thousand-Eyes Restrict:Shadow

Winged Dragon of Ra:Sacred

Greath Moth:Civilization

Harpie's Pet Dragon:Attack


Blue Eyes White Dragon - Ancient

Dark Magician Girl - Puzzle

Dark Magician - Pharaoh

Great Moth - Civilization

Harpies Pet Dragon - Attack

Kuriboh - Secret

Obelisk the Tormentor - Avenge

Red-Eyes B. Dragon - Showdown

Slifer the Sky Dragon - Battle

Winged Dragon of Ra - Sacred

Thousand-Eyes Restrict - Shadow

Maximillion Pegasus - Contend

Yugi - Graveyard

Seto Kiaba - Duel

Marik - Egypt

Mai Valentine - Power

Joey Wheeler - Monster

Weevil Underwood - Havoc

Exodia The Forbiden One - INVINCIBLE

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon - Supreme

Summoned Skull - Force

Jinzo - Darkness

Relinquished - Spellcaster

Magician of Black Chaos - Damage

Gate Guardian - Summon

B.Skull Dragon - Defense

Barrel Dragon - Opponent

Pumpking - Strategy

Harpie Lady Sisters - Dangerous

Lava Golem - Protect

Saggi the Dark Clown - Capsule

Time Wizzard - Game

The Legendary Fisherman - Activate

Dark Sage - Magician

Pendulum Machine - Deck

Baby Dragon - Pyramid

Embodiment of Apophis - Savage

Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon - Troops

Timaeus - Trap

Critias - Ritual

Hermos - Potion

Black Luser Soldier - Incantation

Vorse Raider - Spell

Makyura The Destructor - Skeleton

Alligator's Sword - Bite

Launcher Spider - Web

Shadow Ghoul - Fright

Battle Warrior - Axe

Rabid Horseman - Mad

Basic Insect - Weevil

Silent Magician - Cast

Grand Dragon Leviathon - Presents

Beast of Gilfer - 2011

Beaver Warrior - Fangs

Amazoness Chain Master - Disaster

Alpha the Magnet Warrior - Best

Beta the Magnet Warrior - Second

Gamma the Magnet Warrioir - Radioactive

Valkyrion the Magna - Song

Buster Blader - Rabbit

Blade Knight - Helmet

Doll of Demise - Playtime

Slot Machine -

X-Head Cannon -

Y-Dragon Head -

Z-Metal Tank -

XYZ-Dragon Cannon -

Silent Swordsman -

Seven-Armed Fiend -

Castle of Dark Illusions -

Garoozis - Planet

Jellyfish -

Kairyu-Shin -

Mammoth Graveyard - Zombie

Labyrinth Tank - Maze

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Q: What are some Yu-Gi-Oh ultimate vault codes?
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What are some codes on ultimate yu-gi-oh vault?

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yes you can

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If you don't know already, if some would have got the code first, it can't be used again!

Ultimate game card codes?

Ultimate game cards are cards that have game time for specific games on them. once the code is used, it is gone, and can not be re-used. Therefore asking for a game code is pretty pointless.

How do you make a neo spacian deck in yugioh 5d reverse of arcadia?

u could cheat with action replay and get all cards (if it's on ds) or you could try to just collect all of em by buying some packs or putting in codes.

What deck comes with yugioh gods and blue eyes white dragon?

The deck that comes with the Yugioh gods and blue eyes white dragon in the Legendary Collection Collectors set. This set brought together some of the most popular cards from early in the Yugioh series.

What are some Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 cheats?

lightning snake rat dragon put this in input codes at narutos house u get all of the characters i hope that helps

Are there any vaults alive on fallout new vagas?

Vault-tech vaults were never made to save anyone. Every vault was made for social experiments such as Vault 21 was filled with impulsive gamblers. Not to mention how Vault-tech liked to cut corners in order to save money. Every Vault in new Vegas has been wiped out some way somehow. Vault 21 was gambled for and Mr.House won the bet and told everyone to get out. Vault 19 inhabitants left from paranoia of the other colors ( the vault was separated into two colored sections red and blue) as well as the sulphur content. Vault 11 residents were forced to send a sacrifice so that the rest of the vault could live. By the time the residents no longer wanted to kill each other there was five left. Vault 3 residents didn't have an experiment, but opened their doors and traded for some time, but a raider group called the Fiends invaded and killed all the inhabitants. Vault 34 was overstocked with guns and ammo but the overseer wouldn't let the residents use them. This lead to a revolt and the Residents took the ammo and left. It still has some residents trapped inside the Vault. Vault 22 was an agricultural experiment, scientists grew genetical altered spores which in turn mutated the residents. In short Vault 19 is filled with Powder Gangers, Vault 3 is filled with Fiends, Vault 22 is filled with Spore creatures, Vault 21 is a hotel, while Vault 34 is filled with critters and feral ghouls with a few residents still alive.

What are some injuries you can get on the vault?

you can twist your arm and ankle. p.s. i am a gymnast