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Ivysaur evolves into Venusaur, the "Seed Pokemon." Venusaur is the final stage of the Bulbasaur evolutionary process.

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Q: What does Ivysaur evolve into?
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Can you give a Ivysaur a leaf stone to evolve early?

No Ivysaur cannot evolve from the Leaf Stone you can only evolve it at level 32.

Where do you find Venusaur in Pokemon?

It evolves from Ivysaur at level 32. Just choose Bulbasaur as a starter Pokemon where it's available, evolve it to Ivysaur (it evolves at level 16), and evolve Ivysaur into Venusaur.

How do you see venosaur in Pokemon LeafGreen?

To see a Venusaur your Bulbasaur needs to first evolve to an Ivysaur. Then you can evolve Ivysaur by using a Leaf Stone.

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Does Ash ever evolve his Bulbasaur into Ivysaur and then into Venusaur?

No, Ash never evolves his Bulbasaur into Ivysaur and then into Venusaur.

What level does ivysaur evolve in Pokemon indigo?

I evolved bulbasaur to ivysaur at level 25 in DelugeR pg.

When does Bulbasaur evolve into ivysaur?

bulbasaur should evolve into a ivysaur at level 16 and then you can evolve it into a venusaur at level 32 you can find out more about bulbasaur if you go onto this link here !!

What level does Ivysaur evolve in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Level 32.

What lv does Ivysaur Charmeleon and Wartortle evolve in Pokemon yellow?

ivysaur= lvl 32 charmeleon=lvl 36 wartortle=lvl36

How do you get ivyosor on FireRed?

Ivysaur can only be obtained if you have Bulbasaur and evolve it, or trade for it.

What level does a Ivysaur evolve at in Pokemon tower defense?

Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur at level 18 and into Venusaur at level 36.

When does Bulbasaur evolve?

Bulbasaur evoles into Ivysaur at lvl. 16 and then into Venusaur at lvl. 32.