~Here are some ways to get a Gliscor
1. Go to Poke Transfer to transfer an old Gliscor
2. Transfer a Gligar through Poke transfer
3. Go to GTS and Deposit a Pokemon to get one
Find a wild Gliscor in Pokemon Black and White
===================THATS ALL I CAN HELP TY===================
you could get a gligar but not a wild gliscor
Gliscor is ground and flying, I think
Give Gligar a Razor Claw and level it up at night.
Same place as white forest in Pokemon black... nowhere. Pokemon black has black city, Pokemon white has white forest.
Nowhere. you can find the Black city in pokemon black and White forest in pokemon white. YOu can't got to the white forest in pokemon black
you cannot get gliscor as your partner Pokemon you cannot get gliscor as your partner Pokemon
you could get a gligar but not a wild gliscor
Gliscor is ground and flying, I think
if you have a gligar, it needs to hold an razor fang and then level it up at night
Gligar does not evolve into a Gliscor via leveling up normally. You have to level it up at night while it is holding a Razor Fang.
You can find gliscor on route 11 and 15 in the shaking grass
Give Gligar a Razor Claw and level it up at night.
Same place as white forest in Pokemon black... nowhere. Pokemon black has black city, Pokemon white has white forest.
Nowhere. you can find the Black city in pokemon black and White forest in pokemon white. YOu can't got to the white forest in pokemon black
Pokemon black by far. but if you have a choice between Pokemon black or Pokemon white get white. you can get more Pokemon in white than black , plus there is white forest and you can get rare Pokemon there i think
Gligar evolves into Gliscor when you give it a razor fang and level it up at night.
Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.