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You have to get the TM fly and fly back there. Once you have went from pewter to cerulean city, there is no going back, sorry. OH Wow All who played this SUCK and DUMB

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Q: How do you get from Cerulean city to Pewter City in Heart Gold?
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mt. moon is between pewter city and cerulean city

How do you get from cerulean city to pewter city in Pokemon heart gold?

You don't. You have to go down to Vermillion City first. From there you take Diglett's Cave to just outside Pewter.

How do you get from Cerulean City to Pewter City on Pokemon Heart Gold?

You have to wake up Snorlax using the poke flute music on your radio and enter diglett's cave.

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You don't, you need to go to the power plant and get the generator part from cerulean city, then the power will work and u get the radio card from lavender town, use that to wake the snorlax in vermilion city then go through the digglet tunnel to get to pewter city

What do you do after you beat the gym leader in vermilion city in Pokemon heart gold?

Go to Route 6 and north into Saffron City. You can't go to Cerulean or Pewter, the paths are blocked. But go north out of Saffron, and you reach Cerulean. You can use the walkthrough at

Where are the last badges in Kanto heart gold?

Well here are the cities/island you have to go to for each badge: Pewter city, Cerulean city, Vermilion city, Celadon city, Fuchsia city, Saffron city, Cinnibar island, Viridian city.

Where is the water gym leader in heart gold?

In Cerulean City

Where is Misty in Pokemon Heart Gold?

in cerulean city in the gym idiots

Where is Steven after you meet him in pewter city in heart gold?

He is at the Silph company.

Where is the fossil shop in Pokemon heart gold and in soulsilver?

in pewter city

Where is the shiny stone in heart gold?

you get it in pewter city using the dowsing machine

How do you find the pewter museum of science in heart gold?

go in to pewter city and you prety much go straight forweds