how do you getfree vip in spark city world with out paying any money
You can not get a Sandbox VIP for free.
i love vip cata
Actually you can have a free VIP account. The way you get this is if someone offers you a account or you get a account from your friends.
You can not get free a MSP VIP account for free. MSP stands for Microsoft points, which have to be purchased. They can be purchased online or in gaming stores such as GameStop.
No it is free unless you buy Vip
how can you be vip for FREE in spark city world and have lot's of coins and old aga stuff without paying and don't have to pay for vip
you cant you have to be a vip
You can't you have to pay money.
omg u cant
You can get on youtube put free vips for scw and check if they are real or not real
The basic membership is free but the VIP memberships cost money. The VIP memberships are $1.99 a week.
You can look on youtube.I went there to be a VIP on spark city.
i think you put in vip code for spark city it will come up then put your name in then click done then your vip hope i helped!
you can find them all over spark city world. just if your vip look at the skating rink thats a good place but non vip look all over the place
make a account then go FREKIN buy the FREKIN membership thats good enough or email me ur spark city account and i can make u a vip for a month heres my email
um sorry no u cant make someone else a vip in scw .The only way is to buy ur own account for yourself. :)
There is NO non-vip store.I think there is a cheat to wear them