The two free ones are Flipnote and the DSi browser. If you've already got those, then the rest need to be paid for - just like games in a store.
My son's DSi did not have this and I downloaded for him from the free DSI Ware site. My daughter's DSi, purchased on the same date in the same Target seems to have the FlipNotes pre-installed....strange....
if it is dsi ware yes
No, the DSi is only compatible with DSiWare.
you buy them from a gaming store.
Go to Nintendo DSi Shop. There will be games where you have to trade in DSi Points for the game and there are some that are free. Just click on the free game and click download.
No,but if you accidentally delete any of your DSi Ware,you can re-download the DSi Ware for free.
download it off of DSi ware
You get some free points when you buy a DSi XL. same answer
I dont really get what your saying. But if your saying how to get internet for the dsi. Go to dsi shop > dsi ware > free > DSi internet
It is free if you have the DSi. Whe you click on the DSi Ware you click free and that shows up.
First of all, you need a Wi-Fi connection, then go to the DSi Shop on your DSi, go to the FREE DSi Ware, then download the Internet/Web Browser Application.
Just go to DSi Shop and then DSi Ware and tap 'Free'. Then go to Flipnote Studio and download it! (It's free.) But you have to have Wi-Fi Connection to go on DSi Shop.
You must download the Dsi browser from the Dsi ware shop, Via Wifi. The browser is free of charge! =D But you will have to stay in range of your Internet access point!
Probably not because you already played it then everyone would do that to get free games
if you have the internet on your dsi you can go to dsi shop and then go to start shopping then go to dsi ware and go to free and your going to see dsi browser
dsi ware is just like the wii channels on the wii, theyre apps, or mini games/games. they are either FREE, 200, 500, or 800 DSi points (wii/dsi points, you can get from walmart) you can only buy 2000 point cards in the US for $20 100 dsi points = $1 in the US