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you use pekacho to ruff them up

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Q: How do you get fishing rod Pokemon pearl?
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Where do you find sea Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?

By surfing or using a fishing rod

Where can you find a baboach in Pokemon pearl?

Fishing with the Good Rod at Eterna City.

Where to get a super rod on Pokemon pearl?

The Fishing Guru gives it to you. He is in the Fight Area.The super rod is given to you by the Fishing Guru in the Fight Area.

Ware can you find a the 135th Pokemon on pearl?

By fishing. The Pokemon is Lumineon it can be caught with a Good or Super Rod.

Where is the good rod in Pokemon pearl?

In Hearthome city there's a Fishing Guru (: He should give you a Good Rod.

Can you get more than 1 fishing rod in Pokemon pearl?

old, good, & super

Where is Quilfish in Pokemon Diamond and pearl?

You can obtain QUILFISH but fishing at Iron Island with a Super Rod.

Where can you get finnion on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Using the Super Rod nearby Valley Windworks. The Super Rod can be gotten from a fisher (not fishing) at the Northeast Island.

What is the best rod in Pokemon Pearl?

a super rod is the best rod in Pokemon pearl/dimond/platnim

What fishing rod do you use to get a slopoke in Pokemon pearl?

None. You use a Poké Radar on Route 205 on the Eterna City side. Pearl only.

How do you catch a Lanturn in Pokemon Diamond?

You can catch Lanturn in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl by Fishing with the Super Rod in Route 220.

In Pokemon Platinum where do you get a fishing rod?

it was in route 218 in platinum,diamond and pearl ask the second dude behind the trees