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All elder dragon quests give you elder dragon blood:


-ceadeus kill/repel


-Jhen Mohran


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Q: How do you get elder dragon blood on monster hunter tri?
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Monster hunter freedom united how to get elder dragon bone?

You have to fight a elder dragon or kill one! To get past one mission you have to fight a elder dragon until it leaves. If you do that three times the dragon will die.

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4*+ Elder quests. If I recall correctly, the Green Plesioth awarded Monster Bone+.

How do you get elder dragon blood in mhf2?

Many elder dragon monsters, you can carve it or attain it during rewards, but is rare though. One monster it drops from and can be carved from is Chameleos.

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the elder dragon is the oldest and yet the strongest dragon of all dragons. the elder dragon is said to hold a great power for a chosen being.

In monster hunter tri I am fighting the Ceadeus and every time it gets to the end it says You failed to rout the elder dragon or something like that Anyone know why?

This means you failed to deal enough damage to make it flee. Also, did you break its horns? You have to do that in order to repel it.

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