You use the Explorers Kit and dig around underground until you find a root fossil then get it animated in the Oreburgh museum it will be a lileep but u can evolve it into cradile @ lvl 40
It evolves at level 40.
Pokemon diamond
you cant be a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond
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In Pokémon Diamond, Lileep will evolve into Cradily at Level 40.
no you have to trade from diamond/pearl or platinum or use pal park
Cradily is a Rock and Grass type pokemon.
Lileep is the Pokémon that evolves into Cradily.
Cradily can only be obtained in Pokemon Sapphire by evoling a Lileep. Lileeps can be obtained by resurrecting a Root Fossil.
breed it with another cradily or a diddo. thank you for reading i hope you get what you need. BLUEBERRY SIGHING OFF.
You can't find cradily you must train lileep to level 40.
Cradily is #346 in the national pokedex, and it is a Rock-Grass type Pokemon.
I know ho to get lileep and cradily in pokemon ruby,but it's make a cheats Cheats for lileep and cradily is: Lileep 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 4BEFDC30B4192001 Cradily 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 A87F5761834F0FF9 I hope this answer help you.
In the Pokemon games, the player can revive a Lileep from a Root Fossil. Lileep then evolves into Cradily at level 40.
Lileep evolves into cradily.
cradily can not be cough he can only be found in rute 111 in the sand tower, you have to take the fossal at the top to a scientist in rustboro in the castle a the back and he will turn it back into lilpy which then evoles into cradily