You need to get kills with regular bling and a gun that has two attachments,if you use bling without the gun having two attachments (like a FAMAS with only a grenade launcher) it does not count towards bling pro.
bling pro allows for your secondary weapon to also have 2 attachments
M16A4 FMJ Silencer M93-Raffica Akimbo Silenced Claymore flash-bangs bling pro, cold blooded pro, ninja pro final stand.
M4A1- FMJ and Silencer Model 1887- Akimbo and FMJ Bling Pro Stopping Power Pro Ninja Pro You should try the ACR too. GT-xQSKxSCOPESx 10th prestige level 57 (legit)
Scavenger Normal - Re-Supply from dead enimies.Scavenger Pro - Re-Supply from dead enimies + Extra magazines.It starts your life with full ammo, like if you were to get an ammo crate. I love scavenger...I was a bling fan for a long long time until I found out.
In Baby Bling in Uptown
bling pro and scavenger pro are pretty even but i like bling more.... acog scope and rapid fire
bling pro allows for your secondary weapon to also have 2 attachments
yes with bling pro you can
You need to get kills with regular bling and a gun that has two attachments,if you use bling without the gun having two attachments (like a FAMAS with only a grenade launcher) it does not count towards bling pro.
This is a new perk that allows you to have more then one attachment to your gun such as, thermal sight and silencer, or once you get Bling Pro, i think u can have 3 things such as heartbeat sensor, silencer, and acog scope on at once.
well it all depends on style and skill, but most people would prefer the SCAR-H with ACOG scope and the grenade launcher with urban or digital camo with the bling pro, hardline pro, and commando pro 2. or the famas with ACOG sight and grenade launcher with bling pro, stopping power pro, and commando pro 2.
F2000 Thermal + Heartbeat Sencor, AA12 Silencer + Extended Mags Perks: Bling Pro Hardline Pro Scrambler Pro
Bling-bling was created in 1999.
M16A4 FMJ Silencer M93-Raffica Akimbo Silenced Claymore flash-bangs bling pro, cold blooded pro, ninja pro final stand.
i would use ump45 with silencer and FMJ aikimbo rangers semtec bling pro hardline pro comando pro death streak is martydom
Its Called Bling Bling.
Bling Bling Bling!