You will need to put Baltoy and Ditto into the Daycare Center in Pokémon Black in order to receive a Pokémon Egg that will hatch into Baltoy.
Relic Castle (Claydol Chamber) at level: 47, 48, 49, 50 in the wild:100%
There is no Contest Hall in Pokemon Black because Pokemon Black does not have Pokemon Contests. Instead of Pokemon Contests, Pokemon Black has Pokemon Musicals. Pokemon Musicals are held in the Pokemon Musical Building in Nimbasa City.
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
Pokemon black by far. but if you have a choice between Pokemon black or Pokemon white get white. you can get more Pokemon in white than black , plus there is white forest and you can get rare Pokemon there i think
Pokemon White, and other copies of Pokemon Black.
Baltoy is unavailable in Pokemon Black & White. To obtain Baltoy, you would have to find one in the Dream World or trade with someone who has it on Black & White 2
Relic Castle (Claydol Chamber) at level: 47, 48, 49, 50 in the wild:100%
On Pokemon Black and White, Clay has Krokorok level 29, Palpitoad level 29 and Excadrill level 31.
you can get washibon by trading or breeding bravery
Nope only by trade or breeding.
On route 18 there is a house that gives you a free egg near the end.
Golett is obtained by breeding Golurk. Golurk is found in Dragonspiral tower
You should only be handed one, but with breeding the numbers are infinite.
they up the power of a certain type depending on the iscence or it is used in breeding to get baby Pokemon in the eggs (such as wynaut or igglybuff or pichu)
You aren't far enough in the game yet. The option to leave two pokemon for breeding purposes only becomes available later on.
i don't know but you can catch a shiny swello in the grass in front of the giant chasm. i did and know I'm breeding
Well... There is actually unlimited eggs because you can breed any time you want at the pokemon daycare but there is one egg you can get without breeding. At route 18 you will get a larvesta egg from a man.