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in order to get ball capsules you need the seal case and to get the seal case go to solaceon town then go to the go towards the solaceon ruins (the cave in solaceon town) but when you see a ledge stop then go to the right some more until you see a bigger ledge then stop go down the ledge and then there will be another ledge well also go down that ledge then there will be another ledge well go down that one to you will see a house and a ledge go in the house there will be two people in the house (after you talk to the little boy in the solaceon ruins) talk to the girl she will give you a seal case then go catch some unknowns get out of the house then go down the ledge go towards the solaceon ruins again you will see a ledge don't go down it keep going right you will see another ledge don't go down it keep going right until you see a third ledge go down the third ledge you will see another ledge go down that one to keep going down until you reach another ledge go down the ledge then stop go right and enter the cave there you can catch some unknowns after you catch some unknowns go back to the house with the unknowns you caught and talk to the little boy he will give you some ball capsules and another way to get ball capsules is to go to sunnyshore city don't go up the stairs just go towards the Pokemon center but don't go in it go up the path and you will see a pokemart don't go in it go to the right and go up the path you will see a building well enter the building then talk to the man closest to the top left corner of the building and talk to the guy he will sell you ball capsules but only if you have the seal case and he will have a veriaty of diffrent kinds of seals and he will have diffrent veriaties of seals on diffrent days of the week

after you have some seals from the house near the solaceon ruins or some seals from the building in sunnyshore city go to any Pokemon center then go to the PC then select your PC (it wont say your PC it will say the name of your character PC for example if your characters name is hoskan it will say hoskan's PC) after you've selected your PC select ball capsules then you can create some ball capsules there!!!

phew that was long and i hope all that helps!!!

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Q: How do you get ball capsules on Pokemon platinum?
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How do you get ball capsules of in Pokemon platinum if you don't have seals?

You can't. Get a seal case from the little boy in the house by the solaceon ruins.

How do you get ball capsules off in Pokemon platinum?

go to the PC and select (your name)'s PC. select ball capsules and on your screen you will see several blueish pokeballs. select the one with the Pokemon that is using the capulse's icon and select remove. tada it is off

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You can remove a capsule from a Pokemon by visiting a building with a PC, using the PC and choosing "Your Name's" PC. You should then be able to edit, move and remove ball capsules.

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Yes, you can trade Pokemon with ball capsules. If you get your Pokemon back, your capsule will be missing. It isn't gone, it's in your PC box.

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There isn't a platinum ball.

How do you remove ball capsules in Pokemon diamond?

you go to the nearest poke centre, boot up the pc, go to your pc, BALL CAPSULES select one then REMOVE.It's the same on pearl and platinum(i didn't know to begin with a friend told me tho)

How do you get a ball capsule off a Pokemon if traded?

I think you can't if it's not traded to diamond pearl or platinum. If that's where you traded it go to the Pokemon center. Open up 's pc and select ball capsules. Now select a Pokemon and click detach.

How do you remove a ball capsule in Pokemon platinum?

I have Pokemon pearl but it worked for me and it should be the same. Go to any Pokemon centre and go to the PC. It'll then ask you 'Which PC should be accessed?', click on your own PC, then ball capsules. Click the ball capsule that your Pokemon is attached to then click Remove. Hope it helps :)

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You can put seals on ball cpsules, and put ball capsules on your pokemons pokeball. You can't remove Pokemon from your team when they are wearing ball capsules.

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How do you get the ball capsules in Pokemon HeartGold?

First, heal the farmer's Miltank with seven oran berries. The little girl will then give you the seal case. After that, you can stick seals on your ball capsules for Pokemon. *Note - Pokemon cannot be placed in the box while having a ball capsule on.

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there is no more masterballs in Pokemon platinum but not if you use cheats