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Yes you can!! Ou just need toget a love potions and give it to him and then you can propose to him again!!! (I did it to get back with mine because no matter how many times i tried it just stays "true friendship" but using the potion will get him to love you)

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Q: How do you get back with your ex husband in the Sims Medieval?
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Make him jealous:)

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No one know if anyone would get back with their ex, it is their choice and their life.

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If she misses her ex husband, then no she doesn't want you back. She misses him, not you.

How to cleanse husband and heal from a distance when his ex wife is trying to get him back through voodoo?

Voodoo is a state of mind and there is no proof that it will work (love potions) on your husband. Reality is that if your husband loves you he will stay with you and will not go back to his ex wife. Stay clear of her and if she becomes a nuisance then have your husband place a 'Cease and Desist Order' against her.

How can you have back your ex husband?

If he still loves you and you want to get back together withhim, then it's okay but he has to be okay with it first.

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i live in mississippi and having neck and back problems and i draw from my husband's ss

Can you contest an ex-wife changing her last name back to her former husband's after divorcing her last husband?

No. She can change it back to any formerly used names upon divorce.

What rights does an ex-wife have to her deceased ex-husbands estate if she was not named in the will but her biological children are involved?

An ex-wife has no claim nor rights in her ex-husband's estate.An ex-wife has no claim nor rights in her ex-husband's estate.An ex-wife has no claim nor rights in her ex-husband's estate.An ex-wife has no claim nor rights in her ex-husband's estate.