

Best Answer

Well there are many games or maybe some cheats for Club Penguin.

Here are some good games and next to them the cheats: P.S.ALL WORKS!

Jet pack adventure/ Do the whole game without getting any coins for 1000 COINS!

Puffle Scape/Do as many levels as you can and after you will get up to 200-800 coins

CHEAT:If you become a EPF or tour guide you can get 600 coins!

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Q: How do you get as much money you want on cp?
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You want money on cp but how?

Walk your puffle and play games.

Download cp money maker?

first you type in iwantmoney (if you can talk on cp) then this thing will appear and it will say how much and you type how much and thats how you do it!

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Around 200,000 CP

What to do whonce you have downloaded cp money maker?

simple .. use it! But not to much or you could get banned. Which isn't a good thing! Sources : i have a money maker.

How do you make a cp money maker?

you will need to be an expert at comuters and technology and that to make a cp money maker. bu sorry i dont know how to make money makers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Cp is much better!

How do you download cp trainer 5?

you can download cp trainer on a mac by typing on google : download cp trainer (the trainer you want) zip. by cp master yome01

Where do you download money maker?

cp cheats info

How old are you when you get cp?

You choose how old you want to be.

How much money did I Want Your Money gross worldwide?

I Want Your Money grossed $433,588 worldwide.

Were do you find Club Penguin money maker?

lots of people want to know that. i have cp money maker 4 so go in google and type clubpenguin money maker 4 and just search for the right one and if you have seen videos of the cp money maker that looks like a penguin, it doesnt work i tried it. the only one that works is version 4. my penguin name is mong2009

How much money do you have to have to be rich?

as much as you want