No, CP will only cost you money if you would like to purchase clothing, igloos, furniture, etc. If you only want to walk around and chat (if in Standard Safe Chat) you can sign up for free.
you get money from play gamesps. club penguin is sweet
Try club penguin money maker, the NEW version
Club penguin money is not measured in pounds, it is measured in coins. And you can't convert virtual money to real money.
Dont no but if you go on club penguin money it gave me a 100,000
The only way to get 100,000 coins on Club Penguin is to go to a money maker that has no virus. Try typing in on Google 'Club Penguin Money Maker' and look for a money maker that has no virus. I cannot recommend one because I don't use them.
you get money from play gamesps. club penguin is sweet
you play games and that is how you get more money in club penguin
Yes. its caled the club penguin money maker.
Try club penguin money maker, the NEW version
You can not turn club penguin coins into real money.
This money maker is on Club Penguin Lodge(dot)com
just press on your penguin in the start of club penguin
No, there isn't
for club penguin? go to club penguin money, then you have to dowload it and then it asks how much money, answer that. it will take a long time to download but the you have alot of money for your PENGUIN!! :)
go to or > money maker.
Its A Money Maker Website To Get Coins And Spend It On Club Penguin Check It Out!