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You would have to go to a Nintendo event to get a certain item.

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Q: How do you get arceus on Pokemon diamond pearl without action replay?
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How do you catch Arceus on Pokemon diamond without action replay?

you have to get the arceus event on mystery gift.

How do you get an Arceus on Pokemon Diamond without an Action Replay or an Event?

You can't.

How do you get arceus in Pokemon diamond without an action replay?

definitely a Nintendo event

How do you get Arceus in Pokemon diamond without action replay and without mystery gift and without the flute?

You can't

How do you catch arceus in Pokemon diamond pearl without action replay or cheating?

you can't

How do you get Arceus on Pokemon diamond with out action repley?

the only way you can obtain arceus without an action replay is to participate in a Pokemon event. arceus was given out on a movie event. you can also trade with others online on the global terminal or trading friend codes with someone who does have arceus.

How do you catch Arceus in Pokemon diamond without action replay?

You must have gone to an event, where you received the Azure Flute.

How do you get arceus without action replay or wi fi on Pokemon diamond?

Wait for the Nintendo Event. It has not happened as of December 2008.

How do you get the mystery gift for Arceus in Pokemon Diamond with cheats?

What is the che cheat to get an arceus in Pokemon diamond? What is the che cheat to get an arceus in Pokemon diamond? What is the che cheat to get an arceus in Pokemon diamond?

How do you obtain an Arceus in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

you need action replay.

Is Arceus in Pokemon White?

no you cannot catch arceus in pokemon black without action replay

Which is the best Pokemon in diamond?

the best Pokemon in diamond is arceus, but you have to use action replay or wi-fi mystery gift