You can only get one. If you use the action replay, though, then you can either use the wild modifier code or catch trainer Pokemon code to get all three of them.
Trade with other people who have heart gold or soul silver.
It is not possible to get all three starters in Pokemon LeafGreen without trading. This was an intended mechanic to encourage interaction between players.
There's only one way to get all 3 starters in Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver, but you will need to have 2 DS's and 2 games. You start with a Pokemon and trade it on your other game on your other DS. You start a new game and then do the same with your other 2 and then trade them back. You then have all 3 starters.
get one at the beginning and trade the others
You don't not unless you trade or cheat
Trade with other people who have heart gold or soul silver.
For the Johto starters, you get them at the very beginning of the game. As for the Kanto starters, one of the three (your choice) can be obtained from Professor Oak after obtaining all 16 badges.
i am sure you can see them but not catch them
You can get three starters from different areas by completing the game (one at the beginning from johto, and after defeating red one from kanto and one from hoenn) but unless you trade or cheat there is no way to get all three starters from any one area.
By Ruby I'm assuming you mean the Hoenn starters, then yes, you can get one of three of them in HeartGold/SoulSilver
One of the three Hoenn Starters. Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip.
with an AR
You can not the get all starters in any game.The closest one is HeartGold and Soulsilver
chikorita tododile and cyndaquil i ould choose cyndaqui thet is how i beat the game
To obtain all three starters you need to trade with someone.
Totodile, Chikorita, and Cyndaquil.
Beat red, take one of the three starters from Oak, and go talk to mr Pokemon