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well you see it was very simple for me to get all 14 legendary vivosaurs

1. Frigi-saurus-- beat BB bandit trio post-game

2. Igno-saurus-- beat saurhead in the fossil stadium commons room

3. the gunhash brain trio-- go back in time* and fight gunhash again

4. Dynal, raptin, dinaurian robot dino, and duna-- revive 100 vivosaurs and fight dynal

5. chicken-- go on Nintendo channel on wii and prss the button that looks like two squares over lapsing scroll down to fossil fighters and go on dsi download play and wham fossils in fossil lawn

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Q: How do you get all 14 legendary dinosaurs in fossil fighters?
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What are all the legendary vivosaurs in fossil fighters?

Frigi, Igno, Guhvorn, Guhith, and Guhweep

Is there an action replay code for all dinosaurs in fossil fighters?

probably but i would get one to see if it works

How do you get the legend fossil in fossil fighters?

you get the last legendary fossil when you get all 100 vivosaurs at rank twelve and talk to the guy in the top left corner in the cleaning room then you get a chicken thing

What are the four titan vivosaurs in fossil fighters?

Here they are ingosaurs frigisaurs and The three Brains and raptin duna and dynal ( all are legendary )

Is there a code for all fossils in fossil fighters?

No there is not

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parchment desert after all oasis seeds are planted

Are all fossil animals dinosaurs?

No not all fossils animals are dinosaurs. They still are snail fossils and other fossils.

How do you get duna raptin and dynal in fossil fighters?

get all 100 vivosaurs

What vivosaur has the berserker ability in fossil fighters champions?

Only a few can not but they all take the miraculus fossil.

Is there an ar code for all of your vivisaurs on your team to be at rank 12 in Fossil Fighters?

No There is not Because Fossil Fighters is to new to have action Replay codes, But I Typed This October 4Th Sunday 2009

Can you play fossil fighters for DSI?

Yes. You can play fossil fighters on the DS, DSL and the DSi. You can play all* ds games on the DSi. *Unless they have an accsessory that uses the GBA slot