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No there is not

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Q: Is there a code for all fossils in fossil fighters?
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Where to find Cerato on Fossil Fighters?

You find all the Cerato fossils in Rivet Ravine. NOT in the mine, in the plain.

Where do you find spinax body fossils in fossil fighters?

You get him at greenhorn plains.(If wanting all body parts,you must buy fossil chips at the store.)

Where do you find all of the goyle fossils in fossil fighters?

You find them in greenhorn plains but you have to buy all the fossil chips or beat the game and youll be able to. hope i helped!

Is there a cheat code for fossil fighters to have all fossil areas?

just finish the game. its that simple. its no fun if u do it like that

Is there an ar code for all of your vivisaurs on your team to be at rank 12 in Fossil Fighters?

No There is not Because Fossil Fighters is to new to have action Replay codes, But I Typed This October 4Th Sunday 2009

Is there action code to all vivosaurs in fossil fighters?

try searching but alot will be fake trust me

How do you get perso fossils on fossil fighters?

There are perso fossils in Parchment Desert.

Where are tyrannosaurus fossils in fossil fighters?

T-Rex is in Parchment Desert. But first, you must make sure you have all Radar Upgrades and plant all 4 Oasis' in there.

Is there an action replay code for all dinosaurs in fossil fighters?

probably but i would get one to see if it works

What are egg fossils in Fossils Fighters?

wii channel or get all vivos to rank 12

The sum of all the fossils that exist is called the?

The sum of all the fossils that exist is called that fossil record. It includes fossils from all geologic time periods.

Is there an action replay code for all Vivosaurs on fossil fighters champions?

sorry i have not found a working one yet i will soon