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Go to Marvil city and go to the weeds where the daycare center is at and run around through the weeds and after a little bit of searching you will find a Maril!

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Q: How do you get a water Pokemon without surf and a fishing rod?
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Where can you catch water Pokemon without fishing in Pokemon ruby?

just surf on the ocean..

How do you find a water Pokemon in ruby after you get surf?

Use a fishing rod to fish for Pokemon. This will allow you to capture a water Pokemon that you can teach Surf to.

How do you get a water type Pokemon on Pokemon black version?

by fishing or using surf

How do you get water Pokemon?

You have to surf with one of your Pokemon or go fishing with one of the three rods.

How do you find a poliwag in Pokemon HeartGold?

surf on water or get a fishing rod

How do you catch a water type Pokemon in fire red?

by fishing or using surf

How do you get a water Pokemon but not get a fishing rod or use surf in the water and you have already learned surf so you cant get a fishing rod-Pokemon ruby?

Some water Pokemon can be found if you walk on grass. You can also trade with a friend to get one. Professor Birch will give you a mudkip if you choode it to rescue him.

If you picked torchic as your starter where can you find a Pokemon to teach surf to?

Fishing on Route 102 you can find Water pokémon that can learn Surf.

How do you enter the cave under lake verity in Pokemon Diamond?

You must use Surf. Which can be given to a water Pokemon. Go to the edge of the lake (Like your fishing) and press "A" it will say: The water is a deep blue color, would you like to surf on it? Say yes. But this will only come up if you have a water Pokemon with surf on you.

Where is the fishing area in diamond?

Fishing areas are everywhere there is water that you can surf on. You can fish in any surf-able water region.

Where do you go to get water type Pokemon?

You can teach your Pokemon surf and go surfing to run into a water type option. Or fishing which I prefer because if you are using the right rod you can get some great Pokemon.

How do you get a water type pokemon on heartgold?

You get a water type pokemon by chose totodile and teach him surf or fishing. P.S.-you can find old rod in 32 route in pokemon center,tak to the fisher.