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The fishing in any pokemon game is random. you may catch a fish or you may not. just keep trying your luck! It's better to just teach a pokemon surf and swim in the water.

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Q: Why when you fishing in Pokemon emerald it say it got away?
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suicune is a rubbish Pokemon, if ya want it its not in emerald, its in Pokemon silver gold ruby and sapphire, ( they got rid of entei raikou and suicune to make way for rayquaza )

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you can't find any different Pokemon unless you go to the pal park. to get the Pokemon there you need to select something in the starting menu. then you can catch any Pokemon from your emerald game as you want. but beware, once you've got it in pearl you can't get it back to emerald!

How to catch all of the Pokémon in Pokemon Sapphire or what is the cheat on how to get all the pokemos in Pokemon Sapphire?

Pokeman here, if you got "PokemonSaphire I think you're a classic man. Now, it's almost impossible to catch all Pokemon in Sapphire, ruby or emerald unless you got ruby, Sapphire and emerald all together, two gameboy advances and two trade things. Now, if you got them, you have to trade all of the Pokemon from ruby and emerald to Sapphire. Seriously, I know. I got ruby and I'd kill to get every Pokemon in it.