every time you see it say got a nibble press a and soon you will hook a Pokemon
the best pokemon to use is mudkip.
There is no place to buy elixers in Pokemon Sapphire. You can, however, use your Itemfinder to search them out randomly.
There is only one pokemon you can use it on and that is eevee to get vaporeon
you cant get an explorer kit Pokemon Sapphire dosent use wi-fi you can get an explorers kit at Pokemon diamond, Pokemon pearl, Pokemon platinum and that's it :[]
there are many MANY Pokemon that can use the hm flash in Pokemon sapphire. the following Pokemon can: grovile( treeko),kirlia(ralts)shroomish, eletrike, Roselia, plusle, munun, magnemite, voltorb and many more
Fishing pole? You use a Super Rod to catch it. There is no fishing poles Pokemon,only Old Rods,Good rods, and of course Super Rods.
press spacebar or z
use a fishing rod at the bottom of petalburg town! at the pond at the bottom
Jem and Scout use a fishing pole to try to place a note in Boo Radley's window.
Yes, Luvdisc can be found in Pokemon Sapphire by fishing with a Good Rod or Super Rod in various water routes.
the best pokemon to use is mudkip.
You can use either the good rod or super rod the super rod will work more often for finding staryu.
fishing pole and rope
Wild Pokemon are found in grassy areas. You have to wander through the grass until you scare one up to fight with. The exception is water Pokemon. For these you have to buy a fishing pole and go fishing. Remember to capture a Pokemon you would have to weaken it then use a pokeball. If you defeat it completely you cannot capture it.
It´s easy: First go to your bag. Then go to your key items. Select the Fishing Rod (if you have one). Press use.
Generally you can only use one fishing pole in a vagina