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You can find the umbrella/parasol in buy mode in outdoor activities. You have to buy the umbrella, put it somewhere on the floor then quit the buy mode and you drag it into your sim's inventory. Whenever it rains and your sim has the umbrella in their inventory, they will use it every time it rains. If the umbrella is broken/your sim got hit by a lightning, he will get wet anyway.

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Q: How do you get a umbrella in the sims 3 seasons?
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The Sims 3 Seasons came out in November 2012.

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You have to have sims 3 seasons installed

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Yes and it is known as The Sims 3 Seasons which was released on November 2012.

Is there a Sims 3 seasons?

nope, there aren't any seasons for season 3

Are The Sims 3 and The Sims 3 seasons the same thing?

No, but you can buy the sims 2 platform then the sims 2 seasons expansions back and there you have it! Even though the quality is not as good but seasons on sims 3 may come in the near future :)

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Yes. Seasons is an expansion pack that requires the basic game to play.

Which sims 3 game has winter and summer?

sims 2 seasons

Are there seasons in sims 3?

nope, there aren't any different seasons

Do you have to have all the expansion packs to play Sims 3 seasons?

You can install the expansions for The Sims 3 in any order you want, but when you play the game you will have to use the disc for the latest expansion to launch the game.

How do you get sims 3 pets to work if you have Seasons already installed?

It does work, it just has the Sims 3 Seasons loading screen. At least it should work if you have installed it.

Can you play the Sims 3 Seasons on a PS3?

The Sims 3 Seasons is only available for Microsoft Windows and OS X, so it would be impossible to play it on a PS3.