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To make you teen sim get pregnant you have to have 2 different genders, then you do the cheat agesimscheat (on/off) turn them into adults and make them go into a double bed then click on the other sim push TRY FOR A BABY then after they are going to have a baby (you will knoe because it makes a little noise) then change back to your teens and that is how to make a teen have a baby!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

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Q: How do you get a teen pregnant in sims life stories?
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You click on a double bed and tell 2 sims that are in love with each other to relax and then you click on each other tell them to try for baby, not woohoo. And btw: Teen sims can gat prego, but you need special expantion paks for it... im not sure which one

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No. Young adults can get pregnant though.

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You can't. Female Sims in Young Adult and Adult life stage can get pregnant. However, there might be a special cheat available to make a Teen Sim pregnant.

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As far as I know, there has never been a teen pregnancy cheat in any of the Sims

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You can't.

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They can, but only if you have the Inteen mod installed.

Is it possible for teenage sims to get pregnant on The Sims life stories?

YES! well i think you can... make a teen a mom and whatever tyhen use ctrl shift and c altogether than a thing will pop up and in that thing type aging off then your sim will stay a teen but she will act like a adult the just make her preg... or the teenamater thing i dont no what it is