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As far as I know, there has never been a teen pregnancy cheat in any of the Sims

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Q: Cheats to make a teen pregnant on Sims 3?
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How do you teens preg in the sims 2?

To my dismay, there is no way to make a teen pregnant in sims 3. In the world of cheats in sims 2, it was very complicated, and very confusing, but the plus side of that was that you could do anything. In sims 3 its hard to get that in depth in cheats, but on the plus side, it is a much smoother ride.

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you can but you need cheats

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How do you make your teenage girl pregnant on sims 3?

You can't. Female Sims in Young Adult and Adult life stage can get pregnant. However, there might be a special cheat available to make a Teen Sim pregnant.

On sims 3 how do you get a teen pregnant?

you can't

Can a Sims 3 teen get pregnant?

No. Young adults can get pregnant though.

How do you you get teens pregnant on sims 2 mac?

You can't get teens pregnant. However, you can make them both adults and shrink them down to teen size. They will act like they got pregnant, look like a teen, but be adults.

How does a teen sim get pregnant in sims2 double deluxe?

Their is no way way to make a teenager pregnant on sims 2 double deluxe sorry :)

Teen can have a baby in the sims life stories?

Your teenaged sim CANNOT have babies, UNLESS you download a mod/hack that enables this...such as the one over at Mod The Sims....

How do you get your teen pregnant on the sims 3 world adventures?

You can't.

Can teen sims get pregnant?

They can, but only if you have the Inteen mod installed.

Can your teen sim get pregnant in sims3?

Young adults is the youngest you can become pregnant in sims 3