first you have to be storm class. then reach level 46 or 48. you're teacher will have a quest. complete it and you reward will be stormzilla pet. gives a stormzilla card.
Hope this helps!
Buy the robe (15 or up), or get the spell at lvl 42 if you're in storm school
you can get it by defeating the harfest lord but it is impossible!
First you need some food. Than go play a game with your pet at the pet pavilion. When the game is finished you can choose to give your pet a snack.
Mooshu has a pet vendor at Jade Palace that you can buy The Goat Monk from her.
The Sunbird pet is dropped by Ember Everburn in the Ancient Burial Grounds in MooShu.
You get frostzilla from a pet. You can make a hybrid pet of it by going to the hatchery and putting stormzilla and a colossus in there you get frostzilla
You can only get a pet Stormzilla if you are a Storm wizard. You can hatch with someone and possibly get one but you will not be able to equip it unless you are storm. ***** Taryn Stormrider - Five Transcended wizards and counting.
The Stormzilla is a first generation pet that can only be obtained by the storm wizards. Each school of wizard has their own unique pet.
The stormzilla is a pet for Storm wizards only. At level 48, Storm wizards get a quest that gives you the pet, along with a new spell.
You can only get it from hatching. I think it's Collosus and Stormzilla. Good Luck!
Buy the robe (15 or up), or get the spell at lvl 42 if you're in storm school
There is no code. The pet is a reward for Storm Wizards after compleatng level 48 quest.
Well first you would need an adult wraith and an adult stormzilla. Once you hatch both of them together there is a 50/50 chance of you getting the pet that you already have or a hybrid pet called the grimzilla which is a combination of the wraith and stormzilla pet.
You get the leviathan pet by mixing hydra with stormzilla in pet pavilion its like a pure solid purple hydra
there is no grimzilla i think i know there is a life zilla which you can get by hatching a stormzilla and any other elment satyer is the best though no no gareties
The stormzilla is a pet for Storm wizards only. At level 48, Storm wizards get a quest that gives you the pet, along with a new spell.