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Headmaster Merle Ambrose is the headmaster and he has a talking owl for a pet and he knows alot of things.

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Q: Who is the headmaster in wizard101?
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when you are a level 7, you can go to headmaster and he will give you a quest.

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i think you might have to be on a certain level and i think that then you can have permission from the headmaster

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wait till the loading is done trying logging in now

How do you get pet pavillion on wizard101?

You must get the quest from the headmaster at level 7 one of those thingies will appear at the right it will say something like headmaster wants you then you can go to the pat palivion but you must be level 7

How do you get pet pavilion on wizard101?

You have to be level 7 and get a quest from headmaster Ambrose and he'll send you there but you could also get one of your friends to go there and you can teleport there. . . .

What do you do after your first battle in wizard101?

By "first battle", I suppose that intro the headmaster gives you, with the encounter of Malistare (sorry if I said his name wrong I haven't played in a while due to school) and his henchmen. After the duel you'll be shuttled into the headmaster's house where you can begin your adventure after Ambrose gives you your first quest.

Where is kroktopia in Wizard101?

If you finish wizard city, the headmaster will give you the key to the world tree. (aka Bartel Be the grandfather tree.) Once inside walk up to the door and click x the click it.

Do you enter Oasis in Wizard101?

The Oasis is in Krokotopia. To get there, you must have completed all of the Wizard City quests and been given a quest from Headmaster Ambrose. You must then go to the Spiral Door by going to Bartleby, the World Tree, in Ravenwood.

What quest in wizard101 gets you into nightside?

The quest "Through the Looking Glass" given by Private O'Doyle in Unicorn Way will lead you into Nightside in wizard101. It involves finding the looking glass and defeating monsters in the stormdrain tower.

What is a sentence using headmaster?

I am the headmaster.

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Where is the headmaster on wizard 101?

The headmaster, Merle Ambrose, is located in the commons, in the "Headmaster's tower"