First you need some food. Than go play a game with your pet at the pet pavilion. When the game is finished you can choose to give your pet a snack.
You can either sell your items at the bazaar, feed items to your pet, or click the trash can to delete them.
It's pretty easy, if you have the time for it. It depends on what type of your pet loves. Just do the gobbler drop games about more then 10 times and after it feed it, its favorite snack and it will double your exp for your pet. After doing this a right amoutn of times your pet will be an aadult in no time.
To get pet experience, you must play games in the pet pavilion. (You gain access to the pet pavilion at level 7 by talking to Merle Ambrose.) After you complete a game, you are awarded with pet experience depending on how well you did in the game. You then get a chance to feed your pet a pet snack and gain more pet experience. Hope this helped! Samantha Legendthorn, Level 30
you can get it by defeating the harfest lord but it is impossible!
You don't NEED to feed your pet.
you have to train it in the pet pavailon and feed it pet snacks
You can either sell your items at the bazaar, feed items to your pet, or click the trash can to delete them.
Hunters have a spell called "Feed Pet" that will feed their pet when it is clicked on then a food is clicked on. the food must be the appropriate level and type of food for the type of pet they have out at the moment.
No, pet dragons do NOT evolve in Wizard101. animals cant evolve but now yhey grow
your pet heals it energy by itself
by plaing games in the pet pavilion
Yea you can hatch a pet on wizard101 with any 2 pets.
You hatch a Satyr and Ice Colossus to get this pet.
Cheese broccoli
At the Pet Derby podium in the Pet Pavilion