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capture or kill the red gyrodos in the lake of rage

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Q: How do you get a shiny gyrodos pmd red?
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Where can you find a dragon scale on Pokemon soul silver?

go to lake rage and catch red gyrodos

How many times can the red gyrodos evolve?

Don't think it does evolve. however it would be cool if it did! I don't use my red garydos in my party anymore as it is just as useless as a normal blue garydos.

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shiny red beads

What is PMD's birthday?

PMD was born on May 13, 1968.

When was PMD born?

PMD was born on May 13, 1968.

If shiny yellow is the color gold and shiny blue is cobalt what would shiny red be called?

It would seem that shiny red would be called ruby.

How do you get magikarp to evolve into a red gyradose?

Get a shiny Magikarp. A Red Gyarados is a shiny Gyarados.

Should you buy a red car?

yes, if it is a shiny red but if it is a non-sparkly red no yes, if it is a shiny red but if it is a non-sparkly red no

How do you start as munchlax on pmd blue?

PMD Red and Blue do not have Munchlax as a starter. Instead there are Chikorita,Tododile, Cyndaquil, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Mudkip, Treecko, Torchic, Psyduck, Pikachu, Meowth, Cubone, Machop, Skitty, and Eevee

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PMD - rapper - was born on 1968-05-13.

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how to convert pmd file to xls

What is shiny and rhymes with feet?

Why a beet, a shiny red vegetable