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you need to catch a gold magikarp(shiny) by fishing or breeding then level it to 20. Or you can catch a red gyarados(shiny) by random. The chance to have it red are i in about 8000

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Q: Where do you catch red gyrados in platinum?
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How do you get red gyardos in Pokemon platinum?

Actually there is no red Gyrados. I mean there is, but a red Gyrados is a shiny Gyrados.

Were can you catch a red gyrados in Pokemon platinum?

The answer's on my website: All 6 steps...

What is the code to catch the red gyrados in diamond?

red gyrados is just shiney gyrados use the shiney code and find gyrados

How do you get red gyrados on Pokemon platinum?

action replay

Is there actually a red gyrados in Pokemon platinum?


How do catch a red garados?

Gyrados's shiny color is red so if you ever find a shiny gyrados or magikarp catch it. Also at the lake of rage you can catch one that is already red.

How do you catch red Gyarados in pearl?

they dont have a red gyrados

Is the red gyrados in heart gold and soul silver?

Yes, you can catch Gyrados in Lake of Rage

How do you catch red gyradose on pearl?

catch a shining magikarp or shining gyrados

Where do you catch the red gyrados in Pokemon soul silver?

at the lake of rage

Can you rebattle a red gayridos after fleeing from it?

I presume it's in Gold, Silver, HG or SS. If so, no. You cannot catch (Storyline) Red Gyrados if you run away. However, any shiny Gyrados is a "Red Gyrados", just not from the storyline.

How do you catch a red gyrados?

Look on youtubeand what you will probily need is a super rod