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You can't.

You can only get one Master Ball.

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Q: How do you get a second master ball in fire red?
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Pokemon fire red master ball code?

The master ball code is: 82003884 0001

How do you get more than one master ball in fire red?

you will only be given one master ball.

In Pokemon fire red how do you make a poke-ball a master ball?

You can't do that unless you have emerald. then you can clone the master ball.

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How do you get a master ball in a day care in fire red?

you dont

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How do you get a master ball in Pokemon fire red?

you get a master ball after beating the team rocket boss for the 1st time he'll give it to you

Ow to get many of master ball in Pokemon fire red?

You have to get all ID number matches to win 1 masterball

Do you use a master ball on Mewtwo fire red?

Yes, it will be extremely difficult without it.

How do you Convert a poke ball into a master ball in Pokemon fire red?

Nah you can just get 1 Master Ball in a game... if u want more.... jus place the master ball in a Pokemon and trade it... after tht start the game all over and get another master ball :P

How can you catch Mewtwo?

Well it matters what game you have, if you have Pokemon fire red, you can catch it with a master ball

How do you get a Master Ball via Gameshark in Pokemon Fire Red?

go get in saffron city and beat team rocket boss. and talk to the president he give you master ball for saving him.