heya i was just looking for it too but it seems sine giovani gives you the master ball it is unavailable to change the sscript offset code
The gameshark code is 509197D3 542975F4 78DA95DF 44018CB4. You do not need a master code
cheat code to get infinite master balls fire red gameboy advance
the usefulness of a search engine is amazing
The president of the sylph co. gives you lapras and the master ball
Same as fire red since chaos black is a hack.
no there is not any master code in fire red
You can't do that unless you have emerald. then you can clone the master ball.
heya i was just looking for it too but it seems sine giovani gives you the master ball it is unavailable to change the sscript offset code
Master code i assume you mean if so : Master Code for POKEMON FIRE USA 72BC6DFB E9CA5465 A47FB2DC 1AF3CA86 Master Code for POKEMON LEAF USA 72BC6DFB E9CA5465 56671F3A 6F4F4D6B Master Code for POKEMON FIRE JAP 8FA79C07 CABE13C8 F0826040 FE465C57 Master Code for POKEMON LEAF JAP 8FA79C07 CABE13C8 2FD2DBC6 552BC912
Master Code for POKEMON FIRE USA 72BC6DFB E9CA5465 A47FB2DC 1AF3CA86 Master Code for POKEMON LEAF USA 72BC6DFB E9CA5465 56671F3A 6F4F4D6B Master Code for POKEMON FIRE JAP 8FA79C07 CABE13C8 F0826040 FE465C57 Master Code for POKEMON LEAF JAP 8FA79C07 CABE13C8 2FD2DBC6 552BC912
you get a master ball after beating the team rocket boss for the 1st time he'll give it to you
Nah you can just get 1 Master Ball in a game... if u want more.... jus place the master ball in a Pokemon and trade it... after tht start the game all over and get another master ball :P
You have to get all ID number matches to win 1 masterball
Well it matters what game you have, if you have Pokemon fire red, you can catch it with a master ball