All you have to do is use a leaf stone on polliwirl at any level. use a water stone on him for polliwrath.
Wrong. you have to trade poliwhirl attached with a kings rock
Take a leaf stone and use it on him.
yes huey he is in the lighthouse
poliwhirl has to be traded with a kings rock to get politoed
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
slowpoke to slowking poliwhirl to politoed
Take a leaf stone and use it on him.
you evolve poliwhirl into politoed with trade while holding kings rock
Politoed is a Water type pokemon.
yes huey he is in the lighthouse
Politoed is a national-dex Pokemon so it can only be obtained through a trade.
poliwhirl has to be traded with a kings rock to get politoed
Politoed is #186 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.
Walrein because of its extremely high stats, but Politoed is just awesome.
To see politoed on D/P you have to migrate it from a GBA Pokemon game or Trade a poliwhirl holding a kings rock.
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
he is not in Pokemon soulsilver or Pokemon heartgold
POKEMON SOULSILVER come with a poke walker and the Soulsilver game