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You need to always remember... Pikachu is here. nerd

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Q: How do you get a fishing rod in Pokemon Yellow?
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How do you get a fishing rod on pokemon?

you ask a fishing man

How do you catch yellow perch in fishing kings?

With a fishing rod.

Where do you get a fishing rod on Pokemon Diamond?

You talk to fishermen and one gives you a fishing rod.

Where is the fishing rod in Pokemon Black and White?

You get the fishing rod at your home after the elite four.

How do you catch fish Pokemon in Pokemon Yellow with a good rod?

Simply face the water, go into your ITEMS menu, and select your Good Rod. Your character will then cast the line out into the water. Depending on where you're fishing, you may or may not catch something. *Note - this method works with any fishing rod.

How do you get the fishing rod in Pokemon Silver?

one of the fisherman on route 32 will give you a fishing rod.

How do you get an ultra rod in Pokemon Yellow?

there is no ultra rod in Pokemon Yellow. the rods that you may obtain are old rod, good rod and super rod.

How can you get a water Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold?

Use a fishing rod.

Where do you get a rod in pokemon heartgold?

Old Rod---Route 32 from the Fishing Guru Good Rod---Olivine City from the Fishing Guru Super Rod---Route 12 from the Fishing Guru

Where do you get the fishing rod in Pokemon HeartGold?

The old rod is located in Route 32 from a Fishing Guru (look for him) The Super rod is located in Route 12 from...again..a fishing guru (look for him)

When a Pokemon bites a fishing rod on Pokemon diamond what button do you press?

press a

Where do you find sea Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?

By surfing or using a fishing rod