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magic jk jk the only way i have gotten it is by treasure quests in which you have to gain alot of points to get it (more points more pickaxes)

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Treasure Hunter quests.

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Q: How do you get a expand pickaxe in monster hunter freedom?
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How do you get a expand pickaxe in monster hunter freedom unite?

You can only get them through treasure hunter quests which as soon as you walk in the guild hall turn right there will be a man with a lot of tresure talk to him to initiate a quest if you find enough items you will get an expand pickaxe.

How do you get an expand pickaxe in Monster Hunter Freedom 2 MHF2?

I think you need to do Monoblos and Gravios trainings or F&H Treasure Hunting and get 2000 or more points, you should get them in Rewards

How do you clone or get all items on monster hunter freedom unite besides the trading back and forth with a friend i already do that?

You need an expand pickaxe which you get through treasuer hunter quests, you can find these in the guild you turn right and there will be someone standing there talk to him and initiate the quests.

How do you get invicibility in monster hunter freedom?

There is no way to get invincibility in Monster Hunter Freedom.

When did Monster Hunter Freedom happen?

Monster Hunter Freedom happened in 2005.

Where can you buy monster freedom hunter?

its called monster hunter freedom unite idiot

How can you get your felyne come with you in your quest in monster hunter freedom 2?

you mean Monster Hunter Freedom Unite? or Freedom 2? only Monster Hunter Freedom Unite has Felyne Fighters.

Can monster hunter freedom unite play ad hoc with monster hunter freedom 2?


When was Monster Hunter Freedom created?

Monster Hunter Freedom was created on 2005-12-01.

When did Monster Hunter Freedom Unite happen?

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite happened in 2008.

What quest do you have beat to get the kirin quest in monster hunter freedom 2?

I dont know how to do it on monster hunter freedom 2g but i know how to do it on monster hunter freedom unite. sorry =(

Is monster hunter portable 3rd coming to the us?

It's a game.In America (United States) it's called Monster Hunter Freedom. There are 3 games available for the PSP, Monster Hunter Freedom, Monster Hunter Freedom 2, and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.