You can't tame a chicken, BUT you can have it follow you around if you have a bunch of grain showing in your hand.
You can not "own" a chicken in minecraft. If you hold wheat in your hand the chicken will follow you but it will never belong to you. You could always build a pen to lock chickens in. From there you can help them reproduce by feeding them wheat.
With wheat. Two chickens can breed and you get one baby chicken.
Click and hold the right mouse while the chicken is in Your Hand
you can't
like a square bird
Eat them.
You can not "own" a chicken in minecraft. If you hold wheat in your hand the chicken will follow you but it will never belong to you. You could always build a pen to lock chickens in. From there you can help them reproduce by feeding them wheat.
With wheat. Two chickens can breed and you get one baby chicken.
Click and hold the right mouse while the chicken is in Your Hand
No. By the way, I luv chicken
you can't
like a square bird
You right click the chicken egg onto the ground and a baby chicken may come out. There is a chance a chicken will not come out.
No you can't, but you can use a lead to make them follow you.
You place a chicken spawn egg in an anvil and rename it whatever you want to call your chicken
When you throw it it will sometimes make a baby chicken.