You right click the chicken egg onto the ground and a baby chicken may come out. There is a chance a chicken will not come out.
Use eggs.
you get carrots in minecraft from baby zombies on chickens or spiders, you have to kill them and then you will get them.
With wheat. Two chickens can breed and you get one baby chicken.
You can tame chickens in minecraft. with seeds. :) and you can tame creepers by tossing them a red flower as of 1.8 by left clicking on them.If two loving chickens meet they will breed and make a baby chicken. your welcom@!!!
It doesn't hatch, you chuck it on the ground and if luck goes your way, a baby chicken will appear.
Use eggs.
you get carrots in minecraft from baby zombies on chickens or spiders, you have to kill them and then you will get them.
Chickens only lay eggs. Baby chickens (chicks) hatch from those eggs and grow up. If the eggs are not fertilized, however, then they will not hatch. Those are the ones that are eaten.
With wheat. Two chickens can breed and you get one baby chicken.
Chickens do not get pregnant. Rather, they become broody and sit on their nest of eggs for at least 21 days to hatch baby chicks.
You can tame chickens in minecraft. with seeds. :) and you can tame creepers by tossing them a red flower as of 1.8 by left clicking on them.If two loving chickens meet they will breed and make a baby chicken. your welcom@!!!
It doesn't hatch, you chuck it on the ground and if luck goes your way, a baby chicken will appear.
Well,you can't really MAKE chickens,but if you break eggs on a wall or floor by holding it and right clicking, then sometimes a baby chicken pops out of it.
You can't. That is impossible. The only way to get feathers on Minecraft is from chickens.
Many things can walk when they hatch including chickens.
No, but...You can hatch baby chickens with an egg, hatch a chicken farm, and kill some chickens for chicken (as in the food).It can be turned into a cake along with wheat, milk, and sugar. This is how you make it:M M MS E SW W WM = MilkS = SugarE = EggW = Wheat
Enderdragon eggs do not hatch as of the latest version.