To get a bike, go to mauville city and go to the place near the place where they display bikes. talk to the shop keeper and take a mach bike(mach bikes are needed most).
The Mach Bike.
Go to the bike store in Mauvile city
You Can Aquire Either An Acro Bike Or A Mach Bike In Mauville City At Rydel's Bike Shop.
In mauville city
First of all get the bike from mauvile cities bike shop second choose it in the bag and ride it now your on the bike the cool thing about this bike is you can do: wheelies, jumps and bunny hops.
The Acro bike.
The Mach Bike.
Go to the bike store in Mauvile city
You Can Aquire Either The Acro Bike Or Mach Bike In Mauville City At Rydel's Bike Shop.
You Can Aquire Either An Acro Bike Or A Mach Bike In Mauville City At Rydel's Bike Shop.
you get the slow bike and press a
go to the bike shop in mauville and talk to the guy who gave you the acro bike and you can switch bike or just talk to him if you never had a bike.
get a bike
It is very simple, you get it in Mauville City where you get the acro bike and the bike shop. You switch between the two.
In mauville city
There are actually two different bikes in Pokemon Emerald, the Acro and the Mach bike. You can obtain either one of them (but not both at once) in Mauville City.