breed a pikachu or raichu (any gender) with a ditto in the daycare south of goldenrod city, and if you wait, an egg should be produced containing a pichu
I think it's like growlithe, likitung, and pichu, but if you can't figure it out by the super easy clues then....
wheres bills grandpa in crystal
capture a staryu then show it to bills grandpa.
1. Lickitung (Ever Stone)2. Oddish (Leaf Stone)3. Staryu (Water Stone)4. Growlithe/Vulpix (Fire Stone)5. Pichu (Thunder Stone)
You must defeat the elite 4, then go to mistys city, then north. Talk to Bills grandpa, and he want to see Pokemon. I think it is theese Pokemon he wants to see. Lickitung, Staryu, eevee, Pichu>>Set pikachu at the day-care with a ditto, in the egg it's a Pichu<< he want's to see a vulpix too. That is for silver, in gold can't you catch a Vulpix, so i think it's a growlithe instead.
I think it's like growlithe, likitung, and pichu, but if you can't figure it out by the super easy clues then....
wheres bills grandpa in crystal
capture a staryu then show it to bills grandpa.
Show Bill's grandpa a Pichu, and he'll give it to you.
1. Lickitung (Ever Stone)2. Oddish (Leaf Stone)3. Staryu (Water Stone)4. Growlithe/Vulpix (Fire Stone)5. Pichu (Thunder Stone)
No, unless the granchild guaranteed the nursing home bills. Otherwise, grandpa, or grandpa's estate would be solely responsible for the bills.
1st Pokemon is lickitung then oddish then should be staryu then growlithe then pichu
bills grampa in kanto you have to show him a pichu or pikachu
You must defeat the elite 4, then go to mistys city, then north. Talk to Bills grandpa, and he want to see Pokemon. I think it is theese Pokemon he wants to see. Lickitung, Staryu, eevee, Pichu>>Set pikachu at the day-care with a ditto, in the egg it's a Pichu<< he want's to see a vulpix too. That is for silver, in gold can't you catch a Vulpix, so i think it's a growlithe instead.
In HGSS its lickitung, oddish, staryu, vulpix, then pichu in that order. :D
Growlithe, Staryu, Oddish, Pichu
u have to give a vulpix to bills grandpa in cerulean city.