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I think it's like growlithe, likitung, and pichu, but if you can't figure it out by the super easy clues then....

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Q: What Pokemon do you give to bills grandpa?
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capture a staryu then show it to bills grandpa.

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u have to give a vulpix to bills grandpa in cerulean city.

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somdays check the prize exchange at the pokethonal dome or bills grandpa in kanto

What Pokemon is bills grandpa talking about with red cheeks and a yellow body in soulsilver?

Haha, oh wow.

What Pokemon will you give to bill grandpa?

One with a long tounge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does bills grandpa want?

its an odish, when you show it to him he will give you a leaf Stone doesn't get the odish though.

Soul silver were to get a water stone?

in misty's city in kanto, there is a house all the way to the top right where bills grandma or grandpa is. show him specific Pokemon and he will give you stones, lickitung: everstone etc.

Where do i find bills uncle in Pokemon Silver?

If you mean Bill's grandpa or dad he's at the Cerulean Cape. Bill is in Goldenrod.

Where do you find bills grandpa on Pokemon soul silver?

hes in a house were you find misty the gym leader for the first time.

Where is bills dad in Pokemon HeartGold?

Route 25 You also find Suicue on Route 25. Btw I need help finding out what pokemon to bring bill's grandpa!

Where do you find water stone on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Bill's grandpa (north of cerulean) will give it to you if you show him a certain pokemon.