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You can find an Onix in the Rock Tunnel, in the Victory Road, and on Island 6 or in rout 10 be sure it's a boy because when its a girl it is weak

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You get it from any cave like the Trainer Cave that goes from Cerulean City to Lavender Town or even Victory Road.
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Q: How do you get a Onix in pokemon firered?
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How do you get a onix in Pokemon Emerald?

Unfortunately, you can't get an Onix in Pokemon Emerald. To have your own Onix, you need to trade it from FireRed or LeafGreen. Hope I helped :)

Where can you catch an onix on Pokemon Emerald?

Onix is uncatchable in emerald you must get one from firered or leafgreen.

How do you get crystal onix on Pokemon FireRed?

Level up your Groudch

Where can you find an onix in Pokemon FireRed?

Onix can be found on seven island, six island and rock tunnel.

Where will you get onix in Pokemon FireRed?

you can't mate you have to trade with mario kart wii

What are glitches in Pokemon FireRed?

On mine it claims that Dugtrio evolves into onix whic is kinda weird

Where can you get steelix in Pokemon FireRed?

Trade Onix with a metal coat to someone eles then it will evolve thne ask for it back ,and you have a new Pokemon

In Pokemon FireRed what is the tectonix?

Tectonix is a trainers onix that he buried. if you leave a lemonade by it the trainer will give you a TM

How do you get another metal coat in Pokemon FireRed?

if you cach an onix there is a posibility that it could be holding a metal coat

Where to trade a onix in Pokemon FireRed?

Go upstairs in any Pokemon center head to the lady on the far right hook up a GBA to GBA cable get a friend to do the same and trade your onix there easy.