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UPDATE: I open CWCHEAT in game, activate the cheats, hit enable cheats too, and when I choose my cheats, nothing happens in game.

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Q: How do you get Duodecim CwCheat to work?
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Does CWcheat work on downloaded games?

Yes, it works on PSN games.

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What is 12 in Latin?

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What does 'Insisto duodecim' mean?

The sentence 'Insisto duodecim' means I pursue twelve. In the word-by-word translation, the verb 'insisto, insistere' means 'to tread on, set foot on, place oneself on'; or 'to stand still in or on'. The noun 'duodecim' means 'twelve'.

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You read the Read Me file.

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On your head, stupid

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