

Best Answer can only recieved a chocolate when winter thanks giving if you have a cwcheat you can unlimited all your items and seeds in your cabinet and fridge

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Q: How do you make chocolate in harvest moon back to nature?
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How do you make a butter in harvest moon back to nature?

ing milk utensils mixer

How to make a wish in harvest moon back to nature ps1?

I'm not aware of any such feature

How do make dumplings in Harvest Moon Back to nature?

Sorry, but according to the guide, no such recipe exists.

In Harvest Moon Back to Nature how to make a butter?

All you should need is a mixer and some milk.

How do you make a cake on harvest moon ds?

egg, butter, flour, fruit or chocolate to make chocolate cake.

How can you make gray propose to you in harvest moon back to nature?

Just give him everything he likes and when his heart turn to red, his proposal is his red heart event

How do you make hot chocolate in harvest moon ds?

Put milk and cocoa into a pot. <3

Where can you get chocolate in Harvest Moon DS?

Put Egg, Flour, Butter, and Chocolate in an oven. That is how you make Chocolate cake on Harvest Moon DS.

Can you make cookies in harvest moon DS?

Yes! Here is the recipe! (This is an Oven recipe!) Egg + Flour + Butter = Cookies! If you want to make chocolate cookies, this is the recipe! (This is also an Oven recipe!) Cookies + Chocolate = Chocolate Cookies!

What is the chocolate campaign?

"One form of trafficking is the use of children to harvest the cocoa beans on farms in Cote D'Ivoire. These children are likely to be working to make your chocolate."

How do you be a boy in harvest moon?

Most Harvest Moon games either force you to play as a boy or let you choose your gender. There are only a few games where you must play as a girl. If you have More Friends of Mineral Town, Back to Nature for Girls, Another Wonderful Life, or Harvest Moon DS Cute you are stuck playing as a girl. There are boy versions of all those games. So just make sure to get the boy version. Back to Nature, Friends of Mineral Town, A Wonderful Life, and Harvest Moon DS.

How do you make a cake on harvest moon a wonderful life?

You will need One egg, One milk, One flour, One Chocolate- For chocolate cake if you are making it. An oven.