Trophy Garden (Talk to Mr. Backlot), Route 209, Route 210 (South) their are VERY RARE so you might want to use the Pokeradar. And it might take a Day or 2
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there is a 5% chance that a chansey will be holding one. you can find a chansey in the trophy garden at Pokemon mansion once you have obtained the national dex.
It doesn't. It evoves with friendship. Issac Lim
there are no male chanseys in pokemon diamond, perl, or platinum. get a ditto instead.
Trade it from Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, or breed a chansey while it's holding a luck incense.
chansey is but it can be hard to find
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Chansey evolves from an Oval Stone.
You can one either by trading, or by leveling up a Chansey
In the eterna forest. but you have to be with cheryl to catch it ( the girl who has chansey.
there is a 5% chance that a chansey will be holding one. you can find a chansey in the trophy garden at Pokemon mansion once you have obtained the national dex.
you need to battle with it alot to make it happyer then it will evolve
It doesn't. It evoves with friendship. Issac Lim
there are no male chanseys in pokemon diamond, perl, or platinum. get a ditto instead.
Yes, and No. You Can find the Pokemon Chansey, But there are no Pokemon by the name of Chansy capturable on Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum versions.
Chansey appears on Route 209 and the non-foggy part of Route 210. Also, after getting the National Pokedex, Chansey sometimes appears in Mr. Backlot's mansion.
Probably clefairy, jigglypuff, meowth, chansey, eevee,roselia,pichu and more such as staravia.